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Welcome to ViP IT TIPS and TRICKS here you got more information about IT Tips and Tricks....So Must click on http://vipittips.blogspot.com

Friday, January 28, 2011

Multiple login in yahoo Without Using any Software.

Multiple login in yahoo Without Using any Software
You can login with multiple id’s on the same yahoo messenger without
any download or patch .
Follow these steps :

1. Go to Start >> Run . Type regedit, then enter .

2.Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER >>  Software >> yahoo >> pager >> Test

3.On the right page , right-click and choose new Dword value .

4.Rename it as Plural.

5.Double click and assign a decimal value of 1.

Its done!!
Now close registry and restart yahoo messenger and try Multiple Login

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Basic C Language Info.

Facts about C

C was invented to write an operating system called UNIX.
C is a successor of B language which was introduced around 1970
The language was formalized in 1988 by the American National Standard Institue (ANSI).
By 1973 UNIX OS almost totally written in C.
Today C is the most widely used System Programming Language.
Most of the state of the art software have been implemented using C

Why to use C ?
C was initially used for system development work, in particular the programs that make-up the operating system. C was adoped as a system development language because it produces code that runs nearly as fast as code written in assembly language. Some examples of the use of C might be:
  • Operating Systems
  • Language Compilers
  • Assemblers
  • Text Editors
  • Print Spoolers
  • Network Drivers
  • Modern Programs
  • Data Bases
  • Language Interpreters
  • Utilities

C Program File

All the C programs are writen into text files with extension “.c” for example hello.c. You can use “vi” editor to write your C program into a file.

This tutorial assumes that you know how to edit a text file and how to write programming insturctions inside a program file.
C Compilers

When you write any program in C language then to run that program you need to compile that program using a C Compiler which converts your program into a language understandable by a computer. This is called machine language (ie. binary format). So before proceeding, make sure you have C Compiler available at your computer. It comes alongwith all flavors of Unix and Linux.

If you are working over Unix or Linux then you can type gcc -v or cc -v and check the result. You can ask your system administrator or you can take help from anyone to identify an available C Compiler at your computer.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How to enable right click on Websites.

       This post explains how to disable right click on blogger(blogspot) or any other webpage using a html(javascript) code.

It is so annoying if someone copies(thefts) your blog posts,articles,images and another kind of information owned by you saying that they are the original owners of the content.
But,I think 'disabling right click' is not the right solution for that.
Most people come to your site to read information and very small percentage of people come to your site to steal your work,images,etc.So,most people feel it insulting and I think it's very unprofessional thing to do

If you want to protect your images,my suggestion is to add a Watermark(logo) of your sitename,or your name on the images,pictures,etc.
Note:Using this javascript code,you only disable the right click by warning the visitors that the content is copyrighted.

That's all my personal opinion,However if you despirately want to add this feauture,You can get this code .

Where to paste it in blogger ?
Sign in to your blogger dashboad>layout>Add a Pageelement>html/javascript(look at the screenshot below)

and paste the below javascript code and Save the changes.

How it works?
If you right click on the webpage,a message will pop up on screen saying "function disabled".If you want to change the message to you own one like "sorry....the work is copyrighted" or something like that,replace the "funtion disabled" text with your own message in the Javascript code.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Open any blocked site.

Many schools and offices blocks social networking sites like Orkut. There is a very simple workaround to open these sites. The simplest way is to use a web proxy.
So why use a web proxy ?

Anonymous free web proxies allow you to bypass local proxies and security restrictions and surf blocked sites or simply surf privately and securely without need to install any software on your computer. If you browse the web through public web proxy the website cannot find your real IP address. You IP address gives out information regarding your location, OS, web browser, etc which can be misused.

Proxy Websites To Access Blocked Websites

  1. http://www.hidemyass.com
  2. http://www.anonymizer.com
  3. http://www.wujie.net
  4. http://www.ultrareach.net
  5. http://surfshield.net
  6. http://www.guardster.com/subscription/proxy_free.php
  7. http://anonymouse.ws/anonwww.html
  8. http://www.browser-x.com
  9. http://www.spysurfing.com
  10. http://www.xerohour.org/hideme
  11. http://www.proxyz.be
  12. http://www.sc0rian.com/prox
  13. https://www.proxify.us
  14. http://kproxy.com/index.jsp
  15. http://www.brawl-hall.com/pages/proxy.php
  16. http://www.proxify.net
  17. http://proxy.computersteroids.com/index0.php
  18. http://www.unipeak.com
  19. http://flyproxy.com
  20. http://alienproxy.com
  21. http://www.unfilter.net
  22. http://www.proxymouse.com
  23. http://www.surfonym.com/cgi-bin/nph-proxy
  24. http://www.superproxy.be/browse.pl
  25. http://www.websiteguru.com/mrnewguy
  26. http://www.letsproxy.com
  27. http://www.fsurf.com
  28. http://indianproxy.com
  29. http://www.letmeby.com
  30. http://Boredatschool.net
  31. http://www.ibypass.org
  32. http://www.ipzap.com/
  33. https://proxify.biz
  34. http://kproxy.com/index.jsp
  35. http://www.attackcensorship.com/attack-censorship.html
  36. http://mrnewguy.com
  37. http://www.evilsprouts.co.uk/defilter
  38. http://www.proxify.info
  39. http://www.torify.com
  40. http://www.switchproxy.com
  41. http://www.proxifree.com
  42. http://www.secure-tunnel.com/
  43. http://www.proxify.cn
  44. http://www.arnit.net/utilities/webproxy/new
  45. http://www.proxify.co.uk
  46. http://www.betaproxy.com
  47. http://www.proxify.org
  48. http://www.proxychoice.com
  49. http://www.proxysnail.com
  50. http://www.anonypost.com
  51. http://www.thestrongestlinks.com
  52. http://www.hujiko.com
  53. http://www.anonproxy.info
  54. http://www.peoplesproxy.com
  55. http://www.freeproxy.us
  56. http://www.proxyweb.net
  57. http://www.nopath.com
  58. http://urlencoded.com
  59. http://www.pole.ws
  60. http://www.browseany.com
  61. http://www.spiderproxy.com
  62. http://www.clickcop.com
  63. http://www.sneakysurf.com
  64. http://www.mywebtunnel.com
  65. http://www.thewebtunnel.com
  66. http://www.3proxy.com
  67. http://www.yourfreeproxy.com
  68. http://www.proxy7.com
  69. http://www.fireprox.com
  70. http://www.stupidcensorship.com
  71. http://www.letsproxy.com
  72. http://www.sneak2.com
  73. http://www.cecid.com
  74. http://www.freeproxy.ca
  75. http://www.ibypass.org
  76. http://www.goproxing.com
  77. http://www.projectbypass.com/
  78. http://www.ipsecret.com
  79. http://www.nomorelimits.net
  80. http://www.proxify.de
  81. http://www.bywhat.com
  82. http://www.snoopblocker.com
  83. http://www.anonymizer.ru
  84. http://www.proxyking.net/
  85. http://www.perlproxy.com
  86. http://www.proxylord.com
  87. http://tntproxy.com
  88. http://satanproxy.com
  89. http://zombieinvasion.info
  90. http://demonproxy.com
  91. http://www.myfreeproxy.com
  92. http://www.gezcem.com/nph-proxy.pl.old
  93. http://mpleger.de
  94. http://www.the-cloak.com/login.html
  95. http://www.hidemyass.com/

Email Hacking Tricks

I am going to show you how a hacker can hack your email a/c & how you can prevent your a/c from getting hacked.

WARNING: Dont use this information for illegal purposes.

Now there is no software available where you just enter the id & you get the password. This was possible some years back with the help of brute force or dictionary attack.

BRUTE FORCE: The software trys all the possible key combinations on the keyboard as a password. This used to take much time i.e hours or sometime days! As there can be billions of key combinations & it was useless to find passwords such as 10-15 characters long as it would take months to find the password. Anyways there is no point in discussing about it as it dont work now as email service providers have increased security & blocks a ip after 3 password trials. So now lets come on the main point.


1. Social Engineering
2. Phishing/Fake logging Page
3. Keylogger
4. RAT(Remote Administrative Tool)
5. Network Sniffing
6. Windows Protected Storage & Other Password storage


This is in no ways hacking but you can say it a smart way of hacking email. Even a kid can hack your email using this technique. So lets see how it works.

GUESSING: If you use very weak passwords your family member or friends can guess your password easily. While you are login in. They might have seen some of the keys you are pressing while typing password & then they can make a guess of whole password.

PREVENTIVE MEASURE: Never use small passwords. Use a password of atleast 9 characters. Never use password such as your mobile no., birth date, gf’s/bf’s name or any password which anyone can guess. Use a combination of letters, numbers & special characters(*,&,% etc.) in your password.
Have you noticed something like “forget your password” or “Cant access your a/c” at your login page. If you click on it, we are asked with 1 or 2 security questions. If you have kept this questions simple while filling the form then any person who knows you can answer this questions. Even if thehacker dont know much about u, they can find information about you from social networking sites from your profile or they can smartly ask you the answer while chatting.
PREVENTIVE MEASURE: Keep the security question as hard as possible.

A hacker can make a fake logging page which looks similar to your email provider’s login page & when you enter your password, it goes to hacker’s server & not your email provider’s server.
PREVENTIVE MEASURE: Always see the url of your login page before you enter your password.

A software called keylogger can record the keystrokes you press on the keyboard & send it to the hacker.
PREVENTIVE MEASURE: Always use an antivirus & update it regularly.

4. RAT:
Using remote administrative tools(Commonly known as TROJAN) a hacker can not only get youremail password but can also access your computer remotely & can see all the activites you perform. RAT also has an inbuit keylogger to get your password & other informations.
PREVENTIVE MEASURE: Always use an antivirus software & update it regularly.

A hacker can sniff the network using special tools such as cain & abel & can decrypt your email password.This requires a very special hacking knowledge.
PREVENTIVE MEASURE: You cant do much about this but always take internet connection from good ISP(Internet Service Providers).

Windows store information like your passwords, url visited & much more. If the person has physical access to your computer using special software they can find your password.
PREVENTIVE MEASURE: Just dont allow anyone to use your computer. LOL..

I Know you are still disappointed with the post as I have not provided the exact methods & softwares used. But as an ethical hacker, I cant help you more than this.

Hacker Terminology.

Hacker:- A person who modifies something to perform in a way that was different than it was made to do. Not just to do with computer hacking, but in this case it is.

Cracker:- Crackers are people who break into a computer system for an offensive purpose, for example defacement. A cracker is still a hacker.

Ethical Hacker: -People who hack into systems for defensive purposes, often people hired bycompanies to pen-test their network.

White hat hacker: -Somebody with defensive security intentions, similar to an ethical hacker. White hat hackers existed before ethical hackers.

Black hat hacker:- A hacker with malicious or offensive intentions

Gray hat hacker:- A combination between white and black hat hackers.

Hacktivism:- Hactivists perform Hacktivism. Hacktivism is a combination between two works: hacker and activist. Somebody who hacks for a cause; maybe they are environmentalists hacking against companies that they think are destroying the environment

Vulnerability:- A weakness that could lead to compromised security. It may be discovered accidentally. Somebody may write a script to exploit this vulnerability.

Exploit: - A defined method of hacking vulnerability.

Black Box Attacks: - Security testing with no knowledge of the network infrastructure

White Box Attacks:- Security testing with complete knowledge of the network infrastructure.

Gray Box Attacks:- Internal testing from the perspective of a generic user inside the infrastructure, this user would not be an admin but just a normal user.

Reckless Admins:-An admin who is careless, for example using the same password for all of the different things in the network. A reckless admin may not use the latest patches even though they are readily available.

What is Key-logger and how it works?

A keylogger sometimes called a spying software is a small program which is used to monitor a local or a Remote PC, keyloggers now a days are so easy to use that a person with even a basic knowledge of computers can use keylogger. Once a keylogger is installed in your computer. It can monitor each and every keystroke typed on your computer, thus you can see how dangerous a keylogger can be.

Types of Keylogger:
Hardware Keylogger
Software Keylogger

Hardware keyloggers are rarely used now a days since you can monitor a Remote computer but Software keyloggers are the most widely used keyloggers as some of them support remote installationwhich means that you can monitor any computer anywhere in the World.

1) Can the victim detect it’s presence once keylogger is installed in his/her computer?

Well it’s really difficult for the victim to detect keylogger’s presence as it runs in complete stealth mode, It hides it self from task manager, startup etc

2) Can I the victim trace you back?

Once the keylogger is installed, I think it’s almost impossible for the victim to trace you back

3) How can I protect my self from keylogger?

A simple keylogger can be detected by even a lame antivirus, but sometimes the attacker can use methods like Crypting,Binding,Hexing etc, that make it harder for the Antivirus to detect the keylogger. So to counter that you should use a piece of software called sandboxie,Sandboxieruns the chosen computer program in an Isolated space so if the file you receive is a keylogger, You need no to worry because it won’t affect your other programs, Firefox users can use the free version of keyscrambler which encrypts each and every keystrokes you type, so even if a keylogger is installed in your computer, You need not to worry as the attacker will receive the encrypted keystroke

4) Which Keylogger is the best?

With my experience of more than 4 years in the field of Ethical Hacking and security I suggest only two keyloggers which I think are best and have a comparatively low antivirus detection rate:

1. Sniperspy

2. Winspy

5) How do I find if a file is binded with a keylogger?

Keylogger can be binded with almost any file so how do you know if the file is binded?, You can use Bintext or Hex editor to find out, But Bintext and Hex editing method do not work effectively if the server is crypted so alternatively there is a great piece of software named asas “Resource Hacker” that can tell you if the file is binded or not.

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