Sunday, October 10, 2010

Predict Adsense Earning Via Adsense Calculator.


This AdSense Calculator is designed to help you to predict changes in your earnings depending on improvement (or deterioration) of Page Impressions, Click Through Rate and Cost Per Click. For example: if your traffic is currently 500 visitors per day but your goal is to reach 10,000 visitors per day, you could predict the earnings at that goal.

Page Impressions - The amount of times your AdSense Units are viewed. This figure is directly proportional to your website's traffic so improving your traffic will improve your impressions and earnings.

CTR (Click Through Rate) - The ratio of impressions to clicks. If you have 1,000 impressions and 50 clicks, that's a 5% Click Through Rate. The higher the CTR the better, as a higher CTR results in more clicks and therefore, higher earnings.

CPC (Cost Per Click) - The amount of money paid per click of your AdSense units. This figure is related to the topic or keywords of the website displaying the AdSense. For example: Search Engine Optimization advertisements may pay $4.00 per click while advertisements for Online Games may pay only $0.30. To find out your CPC, just divide your earnings by clicks e.g. $5.00 earnings from 5 clicks is $1.00 per click.

Page Impressions
CTR (Click Through Rate)
CPC (Cost Per Click)




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